If you own a car, you will likely have to take the vehicle in for brake repairs at some point. While repairing damaged brakes can be a routine task, many vehicle owners may not recognize all of the warning signs that indicate that their vehicle is going to need these repairs in the near future.
Steering Wheel Vibrations
When you apply the brakes, it can be possible for this to cause the steering wheel to experience intense vibrations. This can make the car harder to control, but it can also indicate that the brake rotors are out of alignment. If these rotors are misaligned, they can cause enough vibrations to rattle the steering column. The warping and alignment issues that lead to these vibrations can also cause the brake rotors and pads to suffer rapid wear that could cause them to fail with little warning.
Longer Stopping Distances
The stopping distances of your brakes is another critical factor for keeping your car safe to operate. A damaged set of brakes could cause the stopping distance needed for the car to greatly increase, which could make it much more difficult for you to quickly respond when face with a situation where you need to stop the vehicle as quickly as possible. Often, an increase in stopping distance can be attributed to issues with the brake pads, but this may also pertain to the calipers that move the brake pads. Due to the hazards that an increased stopping distance could pose, you should have the vehicle professionally inspected and its brakes repaired as soon as possible to reduce the risk of being involved in an accident.
Brake Pedal Losing Resistance
When you press your foot on the brake pedal, you should feel some slight resistance. This is a result of the hydraulic system that the brakes use. If you are noticing that the brake pedal is feeling soft or sponge-like when you apply pressure to it, it could be the result of the brake fluid being too low or an air pocket getting in the brake line. In situations where the brake fluid is low, it could indicate that a leak is present, and it will have to be sealed to stop the new brake fluid from draining out. An air pocket in the brake line could also contribute to this problem, but this will be relatively easy to release as a brake line will have a valve that is designed for this purpose.
For more information about brake repair, contact a local auto shop that offers this service.